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Making the world a greener and more sustainable place one project at a time.

About Us

We are a student non-profit organization at Youngstown State University. Our goal is to create a more environmentally friendly campus community through workshops, community service, and education. We are now also branching out into the community to assist in the creation of green spaces and lend a hand in other environmentally driven projects.


Our organization works on multiple projects throughout the school year. Our dedicated members create community gardens, experiment with growing techniques in the greenhouse, and work with other local organizations to make Youngstown and greener place.


In an effort to be more involved off campus, our organization partners with various local groups to complete their sustainable projects. Some of these projects include building rain gardens and pollinator gardens, working on recycling initiatives, volunteering at a local soup kitchen, and spreading environmental awareness at local events.

Get Involved

Want to do a collaboration or become a member? We are always looking for new members and more ways to be involved in the community! Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Earth Day 2019

Our annual Earth Day Celebration is happening April 17th in Kilcawley Center on campus. It's going to be a fun filled day and we can't wait!

U.N. SDG Unveiling 

The a representative from the United Nations is coming to YTown to unveil a mural of the Sustainable Development Goals we hope to accomplish in Youngstown. A member of YESS will be there to give a brief statement detailing our efforts on campus to make these goals achievable. 

Latest Project


Our largest project this year has been renovating a rain garden on campus. It has taken a lot of time and hard work to get the garden back in shape and we aren't done yet! Check out our projects page to find out more!

© 2019 by YESS Proudly created with

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